
What the heck is a Yahoo Group ?
  • Yahoo groups are email announcement systems.  Typically you can browse dance announcements on a web page in the automatically-created "message archives".  To do so, scroll down the page, or use the "Messages" link in the left menu bar.
Subscribing And Unsubscribing:
  • You can also temporarily or permanently "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" yourself, if you want to get these announcements directly by email. 
  • To do so:  It's a two-part process. (1) Send a "blank" email (no subject, no body necessary) to the appropriate "subscribe address" (or "unsubscribe address").   (2) Then reply to Yahoo's request to confirm.
  • Your email address is SAFE, because nobody can see it except the Group moderator.
You can view "About Yahoo Groups" VIDEOS     and other Yahoo Groups help info on the Track2.com "Listserver page".  There's also more information about the "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" processes.

Finding The Subscribe And Unsubscribe Addresses:
  • On every Yahoo group home page, at the bottom, it will list the subscribe and unsubscribe addresses.  The following "screen capture" shows this section from the [HarrisburgDance] Yahoo group.