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About Altoona Dance

This non-profit "AltoonaDance.com" website attempts to QUICKLY link you to ballroom and swing dance announcements for the Altoona area of  Pennsylvania.
  • We do this using a Yahoo Group, which is FREE to announcers and FREE to dancers.  
  • Dancers can  "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" themselves from this group.
  •   . . . . Or they can just BROWSE the announcements -- without subscribing to anything.

About Yahoo Groups:
 Yahoo groups are email announcement systems.  Assuming they are set to "public" ("anyone can view/anyone can join"), they all have these 3 features
  • Feature 1: You can BROWSE dance announcements on a web page in the automatically-created "message archives".
  • Feature 2: You can also "SUBSCRIBE" or "unsubscribe" yourself, by sending a "blank" email message (no subject, no body necessary) to the appropriate address.  (Your email address is SAFE; nobody sees it but the Moderator.)
  • Feature 3: Whenever an announcer sends a message, all "subscribers" will get a copy, and the Listserver (Yahoo group) will automatically create a new web page to permanently display that message.
For more information: