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About Altoona Dance

This non-profit "AltoonaDance.com" website attempts to QUICKLY link you to ballroom and swing dance announcements for the Altoona area of  Pennsylvania.
  • We do this using a Yahoo Group, which is FREE to announcers and FREE to dancers.  
  • Dancers can  "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" themselves from this group.
  •   . . . . Or they can just BROWSE the announcements -- without subscribing to anything.

About Yahoo Groups:
 Yahoo groups are email announcement systems.  Assuming they are set to "public" ("anyone can view/anyone can join"), they all have these 3 features
  • Feature 1: You can BROWSE dance announcements on a web page in the automatically-created "message archives".
  • Feature 2: You can also "SUBSCRIBE" or "unsubscribe" yourself, by sending a "blank" email message (no subject, no body necessary) to the appropriate address.  (Your email address is SAFE; nobody sees it but the Moderator.)
  • Feature 3: Whenever an announcer sends a message, all "subscribers" will get a copy, and the Listserver (Yahoo group) will automatically create a new web page to permanently display that message.
For more information:  


Has latest wording for using "Conversations" link to view messages.

(This page updated 12/10/2013)

Posting Address:    lehighdance@yahoogroups.com
  • This page applies only to "announcers".
  • Only "announcers" who have been given "posting privileges" can send messages. (This is an attempt to keep Spammers out.).


1. Your Posting Privileges:
  • This "privilege" allows you (as an announcer) to send messages to the 'LehighDance' Yahoo email Group (aka "The Listserver".
  • You send the message to the Listserver's address,  lehighdance@yahoogroups.com  (case insensitive) just like you send email to anyone else.
  • The Listserver then resends a copy of your message to all 'subscribers' of the List.


2. Send Yourself A BCC:
  • We recommend you BCC yourself the first few messages.
  • You then will receive 2 copies: one directly from yourself, and one coming through the Listserver.
3. Two Notes For Your Address Book:
  • (a) Add a new address to your address book as follows:
        LehighDance-Listserver <lehighdance@yahoogroups.com>
  • (b) In the "notes" section for that address, make a note: "Posting privileges" will work only for my ONE address for which privileges were give.
  • You may have several other email addresses, but the Listserver will accept messages ONLY from the address given Posting privileges".
REASON for requesting that you do the above:
  • Us volunteer Listserver assistants waste a lot of TIME troubleshooting avoidable problems, because announcers either
  • (a) type the Listserver address wrong, or
  • (b) they send their message from a different (wrong) address if they have multiple addresses.

Additional Comments:

4. Archives, Delays, And Attachments

Archives - IMPORTANT:  
  •  Every message you send is given "eternal life" for out-of-town visitors or new residents to browse -- because it is "recorded" in the web page "Message Archives" .
  • These archives are at  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lehighdance  . On this Yahoo page:  If you  use the "Conversations" link under the left corner of the photo, you should be able to view  announcements that have been sent.
  • You can verify your message reached the Listserver by checking these archives. I suggest you BOOKMARK this archive address.
  • There may be a DELAY between when you send the message, and the time when the Listserver "resends" it to all subscribers. 
  • Please do NOT resend the message MULTIPLE times, just because the Listserver doesn't resend it right away -- because subscribers will eventually get multiple copies.

Attachments:  Please avoid sending unnecessarily large attachments (over 1/2 MB), because large attachments will "choke" the modems of people having slower internet connections, and they may "unsubscribe" themselves.

5. Your Subject Line

Subject Line: This is up to you, but I suggest you try to include the date/subject/location in the subject line to better inform subscribers when they browse their message titles; for example:
  • Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Allentown, or
  • Sat 5/31 Ballroom Dance 8 pm @ Motel 22, Wind Gap
Subject Tag: Note that the Listserver will always add the "subject tag" of [LehighDance] at the beginning of the subject line, in front of whatever you type.

So for the above example, the subject line of a message you sent would look like this when you received it from the Listserver:
  • [LehighDance] Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Allentown,
Your BCC copy would look like this:
  • Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Allentown,    (Same thing, but without the "subject tag".
Most of the time, Yahoo also adds stuff on the bottom and right side.

6. Send Moderator A BCC If Problems:
  • If you have or anticipate PROBLEMS with the message not "posting", please send me a BCC when you try to send the message.   (My contact link is at bottom of this page.)
  • Any questions, of course, please phone me (the Listserver Assistant).  (My contact link for my voice mail number is at bottom of this page.)

7. Test Listserver (Optional)
  • There is also an optional "Test Listserver" you can use to send test messages to see how they look -- BEFORE you send them out to the actual LehighDance Listserver where everyone sees them.
  • If you want use this test system, then just subscribe to it in the usual manner, by sending a blank email (no subject, no body) to track2test-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .  ((Make sure you then REPLY to confirm it.))
  • Please send me a 'CC' of your subscribe request, so I can look for your subscription request via Yahoo, and approve your membership. 
  •  ((I have been forced to set this test Listserver to "membership by approval", since all members can post on it, and Spammers will send their garbage if I don't keep them out.))


8. Set Up A Mail Rule (Recommended)
  •  I would recommend setting up a "Mail Rule" in your email program, to automatically sort LehighDance messages -- either  into a separate mailbox or else delete them  -- so they don't CLUTTER up your INBOX.  ((Almost all email programs support "Mail Rules", sometimes called "Mail Filters".))
  • I suggest configuring your Mail Rule to look for "subject contains [LehighDance]".
  •  I suggest you name the separate mailbox "LehighDanceMsgs" or similar.


This is a private group, so you can join ONLY if you get an invitation from the Group Owner (Rosalie).

After you receive your invitation, you should be able to join by doing 3 steps, as shown below.

Note that the 1st image shows you how the Group Owner sends you an invitation.

Step 0 -  Creating An Invitation
  • Note: You do NOT have to do this step.  This image just shows you how the Group Owner sends you an invitation.

Step 1 -  Email Invitation
You should receive the invitation in your email.  Click the button.  It should open a browser window.

Step 2 -  Browser Window
  • A browser window similar to this one should open.
  • Click the "join the mailing list instead" link.
  • Note: You don't want to click the "Join the group" link, because then Yahoo will start you through the steps of creating a Yahoo ID -- which is a lot more WORK.  (You can use this link, if you already HAVE a Yahoo ID.)

Step 3 -  Confirmation
  • The web page should give you a Confirmation Message similar to this.
  • You'll also get a confirmation message in your email.


Wed Nov 14:  Building Easy Web Pages

accept-emmens-preserve inviation

  1. How to accept an invitation to join Emmens Preserve Yahoo group.
    ( To view the actual Yahoo group, Click Here.)

    Yahoo Groups Info:
  2. Yahoo Groups Help // Jim Ingram's Yahoo Group's info // Ingram's "Moderator Operations" page

1305 - Billtown Dance Posting

Notes: Used ScrantonDance as template.  Added Sect 8 'Mail Rules' at bottom, copied from PhxDance.  Note Scranton was done LATER than PhxDance.

Posting Address:    dances@yahoogroups.com
  • This page applies only to "announcers".
  • Only "announcers" who have been given "posting privileges" can send messages. (This is an attempt to keep Spammers out.).


1. Your Posting Privileges:
  • This "privilege" allows you (as an announcer) to send messages to the 'BilltownDance' Yahoo email Group (aka "The Listserver".
  • You send the message to the Listserver's address,  dances@yahoogroups.com  (case insensitive) just like you send email to anyone else.
  • The Listserver then resends a copy of your message to all 'subscribers' of the List.

2. Send Yourself A BCC:
  • We recommend you BCC yourself the first few messages.
  • You then will receive 2 copies: one directly from yourself, and one coming through the Listserver.
3. Two Notes For Your Address Book:
  • (a) Add a new address to your address book as follows:
        BilltownDance-Listserver <dances@yahoogroups.com>
  • (b) In the "notes" section for that address, make a note: "Posting privileges" will work only for my ONE address for which privileges were give.
  • You may have several other email addresses, but the Listserver will accept messages ONLY from the address given Posting privileges".
REASON for requesting that you do the above:
  • Us volunteer Listserver assistants waste a lot of TIME troubleshooting avoidable problems, because announcers either
  • (a) type the Listserver address wrong, or
  • (b) they send their message from a different (wrong) address if they have multiple addresses.

Additional Comments:

4. Archives, Delays, And Attachments

Archives - IMPORTANT:  
  •  Every message you send is given "eternal life" for out-of-town visitors or new residents to browse -- because it is "recorded" in the web page "Message Archives" .
  • These archives are at  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dances  -- scroll DOWN that page, or use the 'Messages' link on the upper left of that page.
  • You can verify your message reached the Listserver by checking these archives. I suggest you BOOKMARK this archive address.
  • There may be a DELAY between when you send the message, and the time when the Listserver "resends" it to all subscribers. 
  • Please do NOT resend the message MULTIPLE times, just because the Listserver doesn't resend it right away -- because subscribers will eventually get multiple copies.

Attachments:  Please avoid sending unnecessarily large attachments (over 1/2 MB), because large attachments will "choke" the modems of people having slower internet connections, and they may "unsubscribe" themselves.

5. Your Subject Line

Subject Line: This is up to you, but I suggest you try to include the date/subject/location in the subject line to better inform subscribers when they browse their message titles; for example:
  • Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Wmspt, or
  • Sat 5/31 Ballroom Dance 8 pm @ Motel 22, So. Wmspt
Subject Tag: Note that the Listserver will always add the "subject tag" of [BilltownDance] at the beginning of the subject line, in front of whatever you type.

So for the above example, the subject line of a message you sent would look like this when you received it from the Listserver:
  • [BilltownDance] Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Wmspt,
Your BCC copy would look like this:
  • Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Wmspt,    (Same thing, but without the "subject tag".
Most of the time, Yahoo also adds stuff on the bottom and right side.

6. Send Moderator A BCC If Problems:
  • If you have or anticipate PROBLEMS with the message not "posting", please send me a BCC when you try to send the message.   (My contact link is at bottom of this page.)
  • Any questions, of course, please phone me (the Listserver Assistant).  (My contact link for my voice mail number is at bottom of this page.)

7. Test Listserver (Optional)
  • There is also an optional "Test Listserver" you can use to send test messages to see how they look -- BEFORE you send them out to the actual BilltownDance Listserver where everyone sees them.
  • If you want use this test system, then just subscribe to it in the usual manner, by sending a blank email (no subject, no body) to track2test-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .  ((Make sure you then REPLY to confirm it.))
  • Please send me a 'CC' of your subscribe request, so I can look for your subscription request via Yahoo, and approve your membership. 
  •  ((I have been forced to set this test Listserver to "membership by approval", since all members can post on it, and Spammers will send their garbage if I don't keep them out.))


8. Set Up A Mail Rule (Recommended)
  •  I would recommend setting up a "Mail Rule" in your email program, to automatically sort BilltownDance messages -- either  into a separate mailbox or else delete them  -- so they don't CLUTTER up your INBOX.  ((Almost all email programs support "Mail Rules", sometimes called "Mail Filters".))
  • I suggest configuring your Mail Rule to look for "subject contains [BilltownDance]".
  •  I suggest you name the separate mailbox "BilltownDanceMsgs" or similar.

1303 - Scranton Dance Posting

Separate top into "Summary" section.   Modify posting multiple time.

Posting Address:   ScrantonDance@yahoogroups.com
  • This page applies only to "announcers".
  • Only "announcers" who have been given "posting privileges" can send messages. (This is an attempt to keep Spammers out.).


1. Your Posting Privileges:
  • This "privilege" allows you (as an announcer) to send messages to the 'ScrantonDance' Yahoo email Group (aka "The Listserver".
  • You send the message to the Listserver's address, ScrantonDance@yahoogroups.com (case insensitive) just like you send email to anyone else.
  • The Listserver then resends a copy of your message to all 'subscribers' of the List.

2. Send Yourself A BCC:
  • We recommend you BCC yourself the first few messages.
  • You then will receive 2 copies: one directly from yourself, and one coming through the Listserver.
3. Two Notes For Your Address Book:
  • (a) Add a new address to your address book as follows: 
  • ScrantonDance-Listserver
  • (b) In the "notes" section for that address, make a note: "Posting privileges" will work only for the ONE address for which privileges were give.
  • You may have 9 other email addresses, but the Listserver will accept messages ONLY from the address given Posting privileges".
REASON for requesting that you do the above:
  • Us volunteer Listserver assistants waste a lot of TIME troubleshooting avoidable problems, because announcers either
  • (a) type the Listserver address wrong, or
  • (b) they send their message from a different (wrong) address if they have multiple addresses.

Additional Comments:

4. Archives, Delays, And Attachments

Archives - IMPORTANT:  
  •  Every message you send is given "eternal life" for out-of-town visitors or new residents to browse -- because it is "recorded" in the web page "Message Archives" .
  • These archives are at  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ScrantonDance  -- scroll DOWN that page, or use the 'Messages' link on the upper left of that page.
  • You can verify your message reached the Listserver by checking these archives. I suggest you BOOKMARK this archive address.
  • There may be a DELAY between when you send the message, and the time when the Listserver "resends" it to all subscribers. 
  • Please do NOT resend the message MULTIPLE times, just because the Listserver doesn't resend it right away -- because subscribers will eventually get multiple copies.

Attachments:  Please avoid sending unnecessarily large attachments (over 1/2 MB), because large attachments will "choke" the modems of people having slower internet connections, and they may "unsubscribe" themselves.

5. Your Subject Line

Subject Line: This is up to you, but I suggest you try to include the date/subject/location in the subject line to better inform subscribers when they browse their message titles; for example:
  • Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Pittston, or
  • Sat 5/31 Ballroom Dance 8 pm @ Motel 22, Clarks Summit
Subject Tag: Note that the Listserver will always add the "subject tag" of [ScrantonDance] at the beginning of the subject line, in front of whatever you type.

So for the above example, the subject line of a message you sent would look like this when you received it from the Listserver:
  • [ScrantonDance] Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Pittston
Your BCC copy would look like this:
  • Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Pittston    (Same thing, but without the "subject tag".
Most of the time, Yahoo also adds stuff on the bottom and right side.

6. Send Moderator A BCC If Problems:
  • If you have or anticipate PROBLEMS with the message not "posting", please send me a BCC when you try to send the message.   (My contact link is at bottom of this page.)
  • Any questions, of course, please phone me (the Listserver Assistant).  (My contact link for my voice mail number is at bottom of this page.)

7. Test Listserver (Optional)
  • There is also an optional "Test Listserver" you can use to send test messages to see how they look -- BEFORE you send them out to the actual ScrantonDance Listserver where everyone sees them.
  • If you want use this test system, then just subscribe to it in the usual manner, by sending a blank email (no subject, no body) to track2test-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .  ((Make sure you then REPLY to confirm it.))
  • Please send me a 'CC' of your subscribe request, so I can look for your subscription request via Yahoo, and approve your membership. 
  •  ((I have been forced to set this test Listserver to "membership by approval", since all members can post on it, and Spammers will send their garbage if I don't keep them out.))

1302-Phx Dance Posting

Posting Address:   PhxDance@yahoogroups.com


This page applies only to "announcers".

Only "announcers" who have been given "posting privileges" can send messages. (This is an attempt to keep Spammers out.).

1. Your Posting Privileges:
  • --> This "privilege" allows you to send messages to the 'PhxDance' Yahoo email Group (aka "The Listserver").
  • --> You send the message to the Listserver's address,  PhxDance@yahoogroups.com  (case insensitive) just like you send email to anyone else.
  • The Listserver then automatically (a)  makes a web page for your announcement, and also (b) resends a copy of your message to any 'subscribers' of the List.
  •  . . . . . Said another way, your announcements now have "eternal life" -- where any out-of-town visitors or new residents can view them days or even months later.
2. Send Yourself A BCC:
  • We recommend you BCC yourself the first few messages.
  • You then will receive 2 copies: one directly from yourself, and one coming through the Listserver.
3. Two Notes For Your Address Book:
  • (a) Add a new address to your address book as follows: 
  • PhxDance-YahooGroup <PhxDance@yahoogroups.com>
  • (b) In the "notes" section for that address, make a note: "Posting privileges" will work only for the ONE address for which privileges were give.
  • You may have several other email addresses, but the Listserver will accept messages ONLY from the address given Posting privileges".
REASON for requesting that you do the above:
  • Us volunteer Listserver assistants waste a lot of TIME troubleshooting avoidable problems, because announcers either
  • (a) type the Listserver address wrong, or
  • (b) they send their message from a different (wrong) address if they have multiple addresses.
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

~~Additional Comments~~

4. Archives, Delays, And Attachments

Archives - IMPORTANT:  
  •  Every message you send is given "eternal life" for out-of-town visitors or new residents to browse -- because it is "recorded" in the web page "Message Archives" .
  • These archives are at  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PhxDance  -- scroll DOWN that page, or use the 'Messages' link on the upper left of that page.
  • You can verify your message reached the Listserver by checking these archives. I suggest you BOOKMARK this archive address.
  • There may be a DELAY between when you send the message, and when the Listserver "resends" it to all subscribers. 
  • Please do NOT resend the message multiple times, just because the Listserver doesn't resend it right away, because subscribers will then get multiple copies.

Attachments:  Please avoid sending unnecessarily large attachments (over 1/2 MB), because large attachments will "choke" the modems of people having slower internet connections, and they may "unsubscribe" themselves.

5. Your Subject Line

Subject Line: This is up to you, but I suggest you try to include the date/subject/location in the subject line to better inform subscribers when they browse their message titles; for example:
  • Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Mesa, or
  • Sat 5/31 Ballroom Dance 8 pm @ Motel 22, Apache Junction
Subject Tag: Note that the Listserver will always add the "subject tag" of [PhxDance] at the beginning of the subject line, in front of whatever you type.

So for the above example, the subject line of a message you sent would look like this when you received it from the Listserver:
  • [PhxDance] Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Mesa
Your BCC copy would look like this:
  • Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Mesa    (Same thing, but without the "subject tag".
Most of the time, Yahoo also adds stuff on the bottom and right side.

6. Send Moderator A BCC If Problems:
  • If you have or anticipate PROBLEMS with the message not "posting", please send me a BCC when you try to send the message.   (My contact link is at bottom of this page.)
  • Any questions, of course, please phone me (the Listserver Assistant).  (My contact link for my voice mail number is at bottom of this page.)

7. Test Listserver (Optional)
  • There is also an optional "Test Listserver" you can use to send test messages to see how they look -- BEFORE you send them out to the actual Yahoo group where everyone sees them.
  • If you want use this test system, then just subscribe to it in the usual manner, by sending a blank email (no subject, no body) to track2test-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .  ((Make sure you then REPLY to confirm it.))
  • Please send me a 'CC' of your subscribe request, so I can look for your subscription request via Yahoo, and approve your membership. 
  •  ((Note:  I have been forced to set this test Listserver to "membership by approval", since all members can post on it, and Spammers will send their garbage if I don't keep them out.))

1301b-Scranton Dance Posting Instructions

Posting Address:   ScrantonDance@yahoogroups.com


This page applies only to "announcers".

Only "announcers" who have been given "posting privileges" can send messages. (This is an attempt to keep Spammers out.).

1. Your Posting Privileges:
  • This "privilege" allows you to send messages to the 'ScrantonDance' Yahoo email Group (aka "The Listserver".
  • You send the message to the Listserver's address, ScrantonDance@yahoogroups.com (case insensitive) just like you send email to anyone else.
  • The Listserver then resends a copy of your message to all 'subscribers' of the List.
2. Send Yourself A BCC:
  • We recommend you BCC yourself the first few messages.
  • You then will receive 2 copies: one directly from yourself, and one coming through the Listserver.
3. Two Notes For Your Address Book:
  • (a) Add a new address to your address book as follows: 
  • ScrantonDance-Listserver
  • (b) In the "notes" section for that address, make a note: "Posting privileges" will work only for the ONE address for which privileges were give.
  • You may have 9 other email addresses, but the Listserver will accept messages ONLY from the address given Posting privileges".
REASON for requesting that you do the above:
  • Us volunteer Listserver assistants waste a lot of TIME troubleshooting avoidable problems, because announcers either
  • (a) type the Listserver address wrong, or
  • (b) they send their message from a different (wrong) address if they have multiple addresses.
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

~~Additional Comments~~

4. Archives, Delays, And Attachments

Archives - IMPORTANT:  
  •  Every message you send is given "eternal life" for out-of-town visitors or new residents to browse -- because it is "recorded" in the web page "Message Archives" .
  • These archives are at  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ScrantonDance  -- scroll DOWN that page, or use the 'Messages' link on the upper left of that page.
  • You can verify your message reached the Listserver by checking these archives. I suggest you BOOKMARK this archive address.
  • There may be a DELAY between when you send the message, and when the Listserver "resends" it to all subscribers. 
  • Please do NOT resend the message multiple times, just because the Listserver doesn't resend it right away, because subscribers will then get multiple copies.

Attachments:  Please avoid sending unnecessarily large attachments (over 1/2 MB), because large attachments will "choke" the modems of people having slower internet connections, and they may "unsubscribe" themselves.

5. Your Subject Line

Subject Line: This is up to you, but I suggest you try to include the date/subject/location in the subject line to better inform subscribers when they browse their message titles; for example:
  • Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Pittston, or
  • Sat 5/31 Ballroom Dance 8 pm @ Motel 22, Clarks Summit
Subject Tag: Note that the Listserver will always add the "subject tag" of [ScrantonDance] at the beginning of the subject line, in front of whatever you type.

So for the above example, the subject line of a message you sent would look like this when you received it from the Listserver:
  • [ScrantonDance] Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Pittston
Your BCC copy would look like this:
  • Fri 5/30 Swing Workshop 7 pm @ Studio Nine, Pittston    (Same thing, but without the "subject tag".
Most of the time, Yahoo also adds stuff on the bottom and right side.

6. Send Moderator A BCC If Problems:
  • If you have or anticipate PROBLEMS with the message not "posting", please send me a BCC when you try to send the message.   (My contact link is at bottom of this page.)
  • Any questions, of course, please phone me (the Listserver Assistant).  (My contact link for my voice mail number is at bottom of this page.)

7. Test Listserver (Optional)
  • There is also an optional "Test Listserver" you can use to send test messages to see how they look -- BEFORE you send them out to the actual ScrantonDance Listserver where everyone sees them.
  • If you want use this test system, then just subscribe to it in the usual manner, by sending a blank email (no subject, no body) to track2test-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .  ((Make sure you then REPLY to confirm it.))
  • Please send me a 'CC' of your subscribe request, so I can look for your subscription request via Yahoo, and approve your membership. 
  •  ((I have been forced to set this test Listserver to "membership by approval", since all members can post on it, and Spammers will send their garbage if I don't keep them out.))


To Subscribe To The [ScrantonDance] Yahoo Group:
Warning: You're NOT subscribed yet.  You MUST complete Step 2.
  • Step 2: Then REPLY to Yahoo's response message, asking you to confirm it (i.e. just hit the reply button).
  • The Yahoo Group will automatically subscribe the address from which it receives the blank email.   
  • You will receive a confirmation message, plus a "new members message".

 Note:  Some addresses cannot be subscribed:
There are a few addresses that Yahoo says that they will NOT allow you to subscribe: "admin@..", "info@..", "sales@..", "support..@", and "webmaster@..".

Here's the Yahoo Help page that explains that:


1212-Emmens-About Yahoo Groups

About Yahoo Groups:
 Yahoo groups are email announcement systems.  Assuming they are set to "public" ("anyone can view/anyone can join"), they all have these 2 features
  • Feature 1: You can BROWSE dance announcements on a web page in the automatically-created "message archives".
  • Feature 2: You can also "SUBSCRIBE" or "unsubscribe" yourself, by sending a "blank" email message (no subject, no body necessary) to the appropriate address.
  • NOTE:  The Emmens Preserve group will be operated as a PRIVATE group, so that only RESIDENTS will be allowed to subscribe. 
  • Feature 3: Whenever an announcer sends a message, all "subscribers" will get a copy, and the Listserver (Yahoo group) will automatically create a new web page to display that message.


For more information:  

1212 Emmens-Posting

This page is for ONLY Rosalie (or people to whom she has given 'posting privileges'.

Said another way, the Yahoo system will accept messages only from Rosalie; and it will automatically reject messages from others who do not have the  'posting privileges'.


To send a message:  Send it to  EmmensPreserve@yahoogroups.com .

The Yahoo system will automatically add the subject tag [EmmensPreserve], and distribute it to all subscribed members.

1212-Emmens-Creating An Invitation

The below 'screen capture' image shows you how Rosalie, the Group Owner, sends you an invitation.

Creating An Invitation
  • Note: You do NOT have to do this step.  This image just shows you how the Group Owner sends you an invitation.

1212-Emmens Preserve Join Page

Note: It is preferred that you use Page '3 Subscribe' to subscribe yourself.  
((To use this method, Rosalie has to first send you an invitation.  So the 'subscribe' method is better, because it makes less additional work for her.))
This is a private group, so you can join ONLY if you get an invitation from the Group Owner (Rosalie).

After you receive your invitation, you should be able to join by doing just TWO STEPS, as shown below.

Step 1 -  Email Invitation
  • You should receive the invitation in your email, similar to the below message. 
  • Click the 'Join This Group' button.  
  • It should open a browser window.

Step 2 -  Browser Window
  • A browser window similar to the below 'screen capture' should open.
  • Click the "join the mailing list instead" link as shown below (red arrow).
  • ((Note: You don't want to click the "Join the group" link, because then Yahoo will start you through the steps of creating a Yahoo ID -- which is a lot more WORK.  (You can use this link, if you already HAVE a Yahoo ID.))

Observe Confirmation
  • The web page should give you a Confirmation Message similar to the below 'screen capture'.
  • You'll also get a confirmation message in your email.

Reference: How Rosalie creates an invitation

1212-Emmens Preserve Subscribe Page

           (For residents only)

How To Subscribe To The [EmmensPreserve] Yahoo Group:
  • Step 2: Then REPLY to Yahoo's automatic response message, asking you to confirm it (i.e. just hit the reply button).    You MUST complete this 2nd step.
  • The Yahoo Group will automatically subscribe the address from which it receives the blank email 
  • (This will happen after Rosalie verifies you are a resident, and approves it).  
  • You will then receive a confirmation message, plus a "new members message".
Note: You do NOT need to have, or need to create a Yahoo ID to join this mailing list.

Optional:  If you already HAVE a Yahoo ID:  

You may want to use the "Join This Group" button on the Yahoo group page, which is at  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EmmensPreserve  .
  • The below screen capture shows the button (halfway down on the right side). (Note the below image is a screen capture {a picture}, so it has NO links.)

  • Note: 
    If you ever want to REMOVE your address from the Yahoo Group, you do the same process using the address
      emmenspreserve-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com   (note the address is the same, except the"un"subscribe)